Step 1 What you'll need You don't really need much to do this. 'EDIT 2:' A guy named bsblade told me that my instructions on doing this on a mac were wrong, so I updated it according to his instuctable. I have not tried this myself, but he says it will work, so try it out. EDIT: A fix for the above problem was posted in a comment by timheppner. If you want to know how to fix this, scroll down to my comment about it. Only providing internet will be possible. If you do this, you won't be able to connect to the internet through your Ethernet port anymore. Step 5 is Mac OSX, both Leopard and Tiger Xbox I Edited this to show how to do it with Vista and Mac, so this will work for all 3. Thanks to sk8erek who reminded me to edit this. But chances are that you have one lying around. Laptop CROSSOVER Ethernet cable (You can't use the one included with the xbox. I looked on Instructables to see if there were any how-to's about it, and there were none, so here is my second Instructable. I couldn't find an article on that, but found that you can use your laptop as a gateway, but many articles didn't work, the way they said to do it. I hate how the Xbox 360's wireless adapter costs $100, so I looked online on how to use any adapter as one.